We are open to new members.... so please feel free to make contact.
There are two changes to flag up:
1 You can no longer simply roll up and join in, as was the case in the past. We need to control numbers to stay within government group size regulations, plus we need to meet with Track and Trace rules.
All of that means that we use EventBrite to register places. They are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Notification is sent out to all the parents on our MailChimp email list. Club contacts can be found here on the website.
2 Fortnightly sessions for younger members (age 4- 12) had been on the car-park site of Canon headquarters in Reigate for the past three years. But when Canon closed in May we were left looking for a new home. The site has been sold. We have made contact with the new occupier and have hopes of winning permission to return.
In the meantime, we have been offered a splendid temporary alternative meeting venue.... Ashcombe School in Dorking.... a bit further to travel but well worth it for the facilities/space available.